When a woman is murdered in Madawaska, her best friend (and the object of the killers' affection) is questioned, and just in time as the lead investigator finds. He takes her into protective custody which enrages her stalker and sends him spiraling out of control.
This story is filled with mystery, fear, psychological thrills, romance, cryptic poetry, sex, torture, heart pounding surprises, and murder.
Check it out on the commercial for TAG here: http://animoto.com/s/EtlJoNDVJ64MKpp8EmHaqQ
If that caught your eye, you can find TAG in paperback or kindle edition here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Tag+Stefanowich
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Find me on twitter as @karakazoo.